Fundamental Principles in Mental Health Education

Fundamental Principles in Mental Health Education

Alfried Längle, M.D., Ph.D., Guest-Professor at HSE, Moscow, and Sigmund Freud-Univ. (SFU) Vienna, Honorary President of GLE-International (Austria)

Alfried LÄNGLE, M.D., Ph.D., Dr. h.c.mult., professor for psychotherapy, private psychotherapeutic practice in Vienna. Born in 1951 in Austria, studied medicine and psychology. Close collaboration with Viktor Frankl from 1983 to 1991. Founder and president of the International Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (Vienna). Constant lecturer at various universities in Europe and America. Since 2004 faculty member and professor of applied psychology (psychotherapy) at Moscow’s HSE-university and guest professor at Vienna’s Sigmund Freud university (2011). Vice President of the International Federation of Psychotherapy (IFP – 2002-2010). Over 400 publications, five honorary professorships.

The extreme variety of specialties in modern medicine, psychology and psychotherapy makes it even more necessary to implement education of personalities. Trainings are for improving skills but cannot replace education. Education means the development of interpersonal capacities and attitudes, combined with knowledge, all founded in self-knowledge and subjective experience. Personal growth alongside the fundamental structures of a fulfilling existence is extremely helpful for both integrating the immense variety of specialties into the unity of a living personality and developing the skill of open encounter and dialogue with others. A short glimpse on how this fundamental structure looks like will be given.

The modern trend in psychiatry which is opening to integrativity will be prolongued in the future to even more referencing to such personal factors which gives mental health activities a human face – that is what makes it more attractive.”

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