
The latest updates and news from the WHO QualityRights initiative are now avaliable on the WHO official web-site
WHO QualityRights is reforming mental health services and promoting the human rights of people with psychosocial, intellectual and cognitive disabilities around the world. This film highlights how this initiative works and how it is making a difference to people’s lives in Gujarat.


WHO QualityRights aims to improve the quality and human rights conditions in inpatient and outpatient mental health and social care facilities and empower organizations to advocate for the rights of people with mental and psychosocial disabilities.
The care available in mental health facilities around the world is not only of poor quality but in many instances actually hinders recovery. It is common for people to be locked away in small, prison-like cells with no human contact or to be chained to their beds, unable to move. Violations are not restricted to inpatient and residential facilities however; many people seeking care from outpatient and community care services are disempowered and also experience extensive restrictions to their basic human rights.
A new Human Rights Council resolution on mental health and human rights (A/HRC/36/L.25), led by Portugal and Brazil, was adopted on 27 September 2017, highlighting the actions required to address human rights in mental health, including through the QualityRights initiative. 

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