MENTAL HEALTH AND EDUCATION: PERSONAL EXPERT OPINION BY DR. AFZAL JAVED M.B.B.S; M.C.P.S; D.Psych. (Lond.); Board Cert.Psych. (U.K); M.Phil. (Edin.); F.R.C.Psych. (UK) Consultant Psychiatrist & Honorary Associate Clinical Teacher, Warwick Medical School

Capacity building in mental health is dependent on resource development and training programmes in the development of mental health policy and services in any country. With mental illness making up approximately one-third to one-fourth of disease& disability among the population, mental health continues to be an increasingly urgent issue that needs to be addressed in all mental health programmes enhancing education and training. This aspect gets further importance while looking at the needs of professionals as well as general public including patients, families and carers. Some of the topics that need to be covered include warning signs, symptoms, and definitions of common disorders, how to obtain mental health services and insight to overcoming stigma & discrimination. Furthermore, the promotion of mental health wellness, such as social connectedness, importance of supportive relationships and cognitive skills, are also important areas for any programme enhancing & promoting education in mental health.

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