II National Awards “HARMONY”

The Union for Mental Health of Russia announces the call for bids for the II National Awards “HARMONY” established to honor excellence of professionals in mental health promotion & prevention of mental disorders, treatment & rehabilitation for mentally ill.
The “Harmony” awardees are the prominent personalities acting in the fields of Health Care and Social Protection, Science and Education, Arts and Culture, Law and Economics, Information and Media, Physical Culture and Sports, Social Activities and Business who have made a significant contribution to mental health protection in Russia.
The nominees for the “Harmony” Award can be nominated by non-profit organizations, state institutions, voluntary associations of people with mental disorders, as well as their relatives. Both individuals and entities can apply for the Award in all categories available.
Among the awardees of the I National Awards “Harmony”, celebrated in 2016 within the framework of the ICongress on Mental Health: Meeting the Needs of the XXI Century (October 7-8, 2016), Professor Wolfgang Gaebel,  (the EPA President then) was awarded for outstanding contribution to global mental health promotion.
The Categories of the National Award “Harmony” are: “For contribution to mental health promotion and prevention of mental disorders”, “For contribution to mental disorders treatment”, “For contribution
to rehabilitation for mentally ill”, “For contribution to science & education in the field of mental health.”
The call for bids is open until 25th of December of 2017.
The Award is established by the Union for Mental Health of Russia.

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