Шизофрения. Психопатология шизоидов и шизофреников

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4 June 2020


Union for Mental Health of Russia and online platform "Pilgrim" present a joint project "Kino-MENTAL". Films that depict mental illness...

28 May 2018

VII National Congress on social psychiatry and narcology was held in Tyumen

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22 June 2017

World Health Organization bids goodbye to Dr Chan and celebrates her achievements

  Source: World Health Organization   "In a world facing considerable uncertainty, international health development is a unifying – and...

10 October 2019

Всемирный день охраны психического здоровья: Резолюция участников V Фестиваля реабилитационных программ "Другие?"

Введение Современные парадигмы и концепции обусловили появление новых подходов к психосоциальному лечению и психосоциальной реабилитации, направленных на восстановление когнитивных, мотивационных,...

9 June 2020

Editing the Human Embryo Genome: Pros and Cons

Lecture by Professor Mokhov, Head of the Department of Medical Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law Academy

12 March 2019


EPA 2019 Scientific Programme When clinical concepts are being officially defined, clinicians need to become familiar with a lot of...

10 August 2018

Address to the Congress on behalf Prof.Makarov, President of the Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League, WCP Vice-President

12 January 2017

The EECP Programme at EPA 2017 tailored to the needs the European Early Career Psychiatrist

EPA 2017 offers a programme tailored to the needs of the European Early Career Psychiatrist: Reduced fees, a comprehensive networking...

31 January 2022

Message for Mental Health Gala Rahim Yar Khan

It makes me feel privileged and indeed it’s an honour for me to write this message for the forth coming...

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IX World Congress for Psychotherapy