The Union of Mental Health of Russia and the Journal “Mental Health” announce the I All-Russian contest of research papers on mental health for students of medical and non-medical universities pursuing psychology, psychiatry, psychotherapy, sociology, law, economics studies.

The contest with the title “MENTAL HEALTH: MODERN TRENDS AND PROSPECTS” provides opportunities for student researchers at multiple stages of their education, including undergraduate, MSc/MA, junior and senior PhD students, in getting familiar with conducting and presenting their research.

The best research papers will be published in the journal “Mental Health”. The authors will also receive diplomas and invitations for participation in the I All-Russian Student Research Conference “MENTAL HEALTH: MODERN TRENDS AND PROSPECTS”, timed to coincide with the World Mental Health Day (October 6, 2022, Moscow, Russia). At the conference students will receive feedback from the general conference audience as well as from mentors specifically assigned according to the topics of their work.

Paper submission deadline: 20 May 2022.

Notification of acceptance: 23 June 2022.

Invitation for Submission 


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