Union for Mental Health of Russia marks the start of the Annual National “Healthy Generation-2016” Contest

The Union for Mental Health lauches the Annual National «Healthy Generation-2016» Contest.

The Contest aims to support projects promoting the mental health amongst children, youth and senior citizens in the Russian Federation. The issue is now becoming ever more urgent seen in more rush, pressure, a huge amount of information, the global economic and political crisis. The World Health Organization predicts that by 2020 mental health disorders will be among the top five human illnesses.

The Contest is open to entrants in three areas:

AREA 1: Programs for Training Volunteers  in the area of social rehabilitation and mental health care in general.

AREA 2: Child and Youth Health Prevention and Promotion Program Models.

AREA 3: Senior Mental Health Promotion Programs.

The Contest is open to governmental, municipal and non-governmental organizations providing services to children, youth and senior citizens in the field of public health, science and education, culture and arts, physical fitness and sport, economics & law.

For more information please visit the official website

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