Общественные формы помощи в психиатрии: история и современность

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11 January 2017

Have you said Thank You today?

Gracias. Danke. Grazie. Asante. Sukria. Thank you… This simple phrase in English and its variant in all languages of the...

23 June 2016

Dr. Bonnie Kirsh, Department of occupational science and occupational therapy (University of Toronto), delivers a report at the Congress

  Dr. Bonnie Kirsh, Associate Professor in the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at the University of Toronto,...

1 June 2017

Union for Mental Health Features the First Winning Project of "Healthy Generation" Contest on the International Children's Day

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17 April 2023

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25 May 2020

Recommendations for Medical Professionals Who are Under Increased Psycho-Emotional Stress

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20 July 2021

The WASP 2021 Hybrid Congress

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13 May 2017

Dr. Antonio E. Puente delivers a report at the VI International Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education» in Moscow

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23 October 2020

Professor Morozov was elected for the post of the Secretary General of the World Psychiatric Association

Informational source:  official website of the WPA The World Psychiatric Association (WPA) is the largest medical organization with 140 psychiatric...

14 April 2017

The Congress on Mental Health: Meeting the Needs of the XXI Century, Organized by The Union for Mental Health of Russia, on April Issue 'WPA News'

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26 March 2018

Children with Down Syndrome Introduce their Arts in the Far East Arts Museum in Khabarovsk (Russia)

The Exhibition "Orange Sky" introduced the artworks of children and adolescents with Down Syndrom in the Far East Arts Museum...