Dr. Antonio E. Puente delivers a report at the VI International Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education» in Moscow

Dr. Antonio E. Puente, Ph.D., President of the American Psychological Association (APA) is taking part in the VI International Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education» during 10-13 May 2017 at the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Within the framework of the plenary session Dr. Puente delivers a report on the role of cultural knowledge in assessing intellectual abilities in children. It is also planned to sign an Agreement between the Russian Psychological Society and the American Psychological Association at the Conference.
International Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education» – one of the largest annual international conferences for exchange of ideas through interdisciplinary dialogues among practitioners, teachers, psychologists, policymakers in the sphere of child development and education – is held annually under the auspices of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO.
Dr. Antonio E. Puente and Prof. Yury Zinchenko (the President of the Russian Psychological Society) are the members of the International Organizing Committee & the Local Organizing Committee accordingly of the II Congress on Mental Health: Meeting the Needs of the XXI Century, a prestigious international event, to be held on 19-21 October 2018 in Moscow, Russia.
Source: ECCE 2017