Dr. Bonnie Kirsh, Department of occupational science and occupational therapy (University of Toronto), delivers a report at the Congress

Dr. Bonnie Kirsh, Associate Professor in the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at the University of Toronto, will be one of the key speakers at the International Conference “Mental Health in the Workplace” to be conducted on 8 October, 2016 in the frame of the Congress on Mental Health: Meeting the Needs of the XXI Century.
Dr. Bonnie Kirsh will present her report Work integration for people with mental illnesses – the case of Canada”.
The Concept of International Conference “Mental Health in the Workplace” is published inScientific Program
About Dr. Bonnie Kirsh
Dr. Bonnie Kirsh is an Associate Professor in the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, and holds cross appointments to the Department of Psychiatry and the Rehabilitation Sciences Institute at the University of Toronto as well as the School of Occupational Therapy at Dalhousie University. She was a member of the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s Workforce Advisory Committee from its inception. Her primary research focuses on community and work integration for persons with mental illnesses, and she has conducted studies examining workplace anti-stigma initiatives, organizational culture and mental health, Canadian principles and practices in the area of work integration, social policy as it relates to employment for people with mental illnesses, and supported employment. She uses mixed methods in her research including quantitative, qualitative and participatory research.

Dr. Bonnie Kirsh’s research interests are: Stigma Reduction Interventions and their efficacy; Employment and Mental Health Consumers; Workplace Culture and Mental Health; Community Support For Mental Health Consumers; Quality improvement in Community Mental Health; Return-to-Work Issues for Injured Workers; Qualitative Methods; Mixed Methods; Participatory Research.

Please visit the Congress’s website to access online registration for the congress program, including detailed information and registration options: www.mental-health-congress.ru/en/

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