10th International Conference on Psychology, Language and Teaching

Conference Dates: 20-21 Feb, 2017
Conference Venue: Flora Grand Hotel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Deadline for Abstract/Paper Submissions: February 18, 2017
10th International Conference on Psychology, Language and Teaching is organized by Global Psychology and Language Research Association (GPLRA).
The list of themes on psychology, language and teaching are here
GPLRA is a conglomeration of academia and professionals for promotion of research and innovation, creating a global footprint. GPLRA is promoted by Global Research and Development Services (GRDS). GPLRA aims to bring together worldwide researchers and professionals, encourage intellectual development and providing opportunities for networking and collaboration. The association is actively involved in academic networking, meetings, conferences, workshops, projects, research publications, academic awards and scholarships. GPLRA invites you to join its diverse group of advisory members.

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