The Union for Mental Health (Moscow) in cooperation with the Sochi State University (Sochi), the Perm State National Research University (Perm), the Tolyatti State University (Tolyatti), the Tula State University ( Tula), the Moscow State Regional University (Moscow) will hold online the III All-Russian Interuniversity Conference “Mental Health in Children, Adolescents and Youth” on 28 April at 10 am (Moscow time). 

The Conference is aimed at raising awareness on mental health in children, adolescents and youth via presentation of modern approaches to prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of mental and behavioral disorders among senior students of psychological departments at non-medical universities in Russia. It will serve also for developing networks and cooperation in mental health field between Russian universities and improving attitudes to medical and non-medical specialists in mental health. 

The Conference is the part of the All-Russian Interuniversity Educational Program for Students of Medical and Non-Medical Universities – future specialists in the field of mental health. The Event will be broadcasted on 14 April 2022 at 9 am (MSK) on the Union for Mental Health YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp7gclHvgmu_u5cCXv1VCCA


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