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15 June 2016

Dr. Veerle Miranda is Policy Analyst at the OECD Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, gives a report at the Congress

  Dr. Veerle Miranda is Policy Analyst at the OECD Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, will be one...

28 May 2018

VII National Congress on social psychiatry and narcology was held in Tyumen

VII National Congress on social psychiatry and narcology "Strategic directions of protection and strengthening of public mental health" was held...

26 January 2018


Source: http://cities-rise.org/   citiesRISE informs that mental health will be highlighted as a critical conversation at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting happening this...

12 March 2019


EPA 2019 Scientific Programme When clinical concepts are being officially defined, clinicians need to become familiar with a lot of...

21 January 2022

Registration is open!

Dear colleagues,It is a matter of great honour for me to share with you the details about WPA 2022 Thematic...

15 August 2016

Special Session 2. Adult Mental Health

"Mental health is a system-forming factor for many related areas, primarily the social spectrum. Our goal is a healthy society,...

22 June 2020

"YOU ARE NOT ALONE". Educational Platform for Adolescents and their Parents

The online educational platform for adolescents, parents and educators is created by the Sukharev Research Center for Child and Adolescent...

31 March 2021

Meeting of the United Nations Member States Group of Friends of Mental Health and Well-being

Meeting of the United Nations Member States Group of Friends of Mental Health and Well-being "Mental Health and Well-Being in...

31 August 2016

Welcome message from Mr. Hans-Horst Konkolewsky, Secretary General of International Social Security Association (ISSA), to the Congress participants

Mr. Hans-Horst Konkolewsky, Secretary General of the International Social Security Association (ISSA), a member of the International Organizing Committee, with welcome address to...

14 March 2019

Every parent's greatest fear

Too many babies still die in pregnancy or childbirth. The numbers are heartbreaking: approximately 10-15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage,...