Сценарии персонального будущего

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25 May 2018

Rehabilitation versus Recovery – an article by Afzal Javed

An article by Dr. Afzal Javed, reproduced from The Arab Journal of Psychiatry (2016) Vol. 27 No.1 PDF

1 June 2017

Union for Mental Health Features the First Winning Project of "Healthy Generation" Contest on the International Children's Day

  The 1st of June is celebrated worldwide as the International Children's Day. This holiday recalls the need to respect...

17 April 2017

Meet Prof. Aurelijus Veryga, Minister of Health of Lithuania at WPA Inter Zonal Congress

  Aurelijus Veryga, professor of psychiatry and Minister of Health of Lithuania, will discuss about his areas of expertise in Pre...

21 January 2016

Nicole Aknin, Rector of the Sigmund Freud University Paris, a member of the International Organizing Committee, with Welcome address to the Congress participants

Aknin Nicole (Paris, France), Professor psychoanalyst, Rector of the Sigmund Freud University Paris, Executive member of the World Council for...

26 February 2016

Action for Mental Health has become an Official Partner of the Congress on Mental Health

The Association for the Improvement of Mental Health Programmes has become an Official Partner of the Congress on Mental Health: Meeting the...

15 August 2016

Special Session 2. Adult Mental Health

"Mental health is a system-forming factor for many related areas, primarily the social spectrum. Our goal is a healthy society,...

5 April 2022


The Union for Mental Health (Moscow) in cooperation with the RUDN University (Moscow), the Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University of the...

3 April 2017

World Autism Awareness Day was held on April 2

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31 October 2017


October is traditionally called the “Mental Health Month” as 10 October is the World Mental Health Day. The Day is aimed at...

12 July 2019

"Self care" for sexual and reproductive health

At least 400 million people worldwide lack access to the most essential health services. Around 1 in 5 of the...