Special Session 2. Adult Mental Health

“Mental health is a system-forming factor for many related areas, primarily the social spectrum. Our goal is a healthy society, resistant to stress, capable of overcoming difficulties, finding the strength to develop even in difficult conditions. However, this is not going to happen by itself. It is necessary to consolidate efforts of professionals in all socially relevant fields – health, education, social protection, labor protection, science, culture, art, sports, etc. Only a comprehensive approach will help create a favorable environment for mental health”, underscores Alexey A. Cherkasov, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, a member of the Congress Organazing Committee.
On the first Congress day – 7 October, 2016 – at the Special Session 2. Adult Mental Health – distinguished experts and executives present differentiated approaches on maternal and child mental health, prevention of pregnancy pathology, family mental health, educational psychology, psychological stress in adolescents, adolescent psychopathology, etc.
Keynote speeches will be delivered by: Prof. Nikolay G. Neznanov, President of the Russian Society of Psychiatrists (RSP), President of the World Association for Dynamic Psychiatry (WADP); Prof. Nicole Aknin, Rector of the Sigmund Freud University Paris, Executive member of the World Council for Psychotherapy and the European Association for Psychotherapy; Dr. Judy Kuriansky, Chair of the Psychology Coalition of NGOs and the main representative of the World Council of Psychotherapy and the International Association of Applied Psychology at the United Nations; Prof. Darlyne G.Nemeth, Co-Secretary General of the World Council for Psychotherapy; Prof. Jan Burns, Head of Eligibility for the International Sport Federation for Athletes with Intellectual Disabilities (INAS) and others.

Please visit the Congress’s website to access online registration for the congress program, including detailed information and registration options: www.mental-health-congress.ru/en/

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