Prof. Solomon Tshimong Rataemane, President of the African Psychiatric Association and Allied Professions (2014 – 2017). He is head of Department of Psychiatry, Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University in South Africa; World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Board member and WPA Representative Zone 14 (2008 – 2014); and Chair of the WPA Section on Conflict Management and Conflict Resolution (2011 – 2018). He has special interest in addiction medicine and has served as deputy chairperson and chairperson of the Central Drug Authority of South Africa from 1995 to 2005. He is the Secretary General of the World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation; the American Psychiatric Association (International Fellow); the South African Society of Psychiatrists (Chair International Relations Division); the International Council on Alcohol and Addictions. He is a Chairperson of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Mental Health in South Africa.

“This Congress will bring together a variety of presenters to share their understanding of the educational needs prerequisite to dealing with mental health challenges of the XXI century respectful of human rights for all. National mental health needs can only be understood by developing clearly defined and holistic education programs for children, adolescents and adults. Various approaches should be simple and practical in education of our patients, their care-givers and the ongoing education of the service providers. With these categories in mind it is useful to look at emerging and increasing mental health issues in the area of autism spectrum disorders; learning disorders; addiction with reference to opioid addiction; increasing levels of suicidal ideation and actual suicides in adolescence; provision of community facilities for humane management of schizophrenia, PTSD and other chronic mental health conditions through the life cycle. “

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