Prof. Vladimir D. Mendelevich, Director of Institute for Research of Problems of Mental Health, has joined the Organizing Committee

Prof. Mendelevich Vladimir, MD, PhD, Director of Institute for Research of Problems of Mental Health, WHO-expert, has joined the Organizing Committee on Mental Health: Meeting Needs of the XXI Century.

Prof. Mendelevich Vladimi is Head of Department of Medical and General Psychology of Kazan State Medical University,the editor-in-chief of “Neurological Bulletin” (Journal named after V.M.Bekhterev) and “Psychopathology&Addiction Medicine”. He is author of more than 650 scholarly articles and 50 books.

About “Institute of Researches of Problems of Mental Health”

The non-profit organization “Institute of Researches of Problems of Mental Health” is created in 2003. A main goal of the organization is implementation of scientific and educational activity in the sphere of mental health and prevention of mental disorders. In 13 years of work 12 Schools of young psychiatrists and addiction teratment specialists of regions of Russia in Kazan, Moscow, Arkhangelsk, Ufa, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo, Kaliningrad and other cities are carried out. 5 international conferences are organized and held, tens of scientific articles and monographs are published.

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