Professor Eliot Sorel at the 1st International Perinatal TOTAL Health Congress, Sinaia

The “1st International Perinatal TOTAL Health Congress: The First Thousand Days of Life. Innovations and Transdisciplinary Collaborations”, took place on 27 – 30 June 2018, in Sinaia (known as “the Carpathian Pearl”), Romania. As highlighted by the Congress PresidentsProfessors Eliot SOREL and Nicolae SUCIU – the main objectives of this historic, unprecedented, and catalytic (to innovative, transdisciplinary projects to emerge from it) Congress were “to define the importance of the first thousand days of life and their lifelong health consequences; a focus on research, education and training, health systems and services, and health policies; and to highlight innovative and transdisciplinary projects that demonstrate the advantages of collaboration and integration in achieving TOTAL Health” (
On this special occasion, the distinguished Professor Eliot Sorel, MD, DLFAPA, Senior Scholar Healthcare Innovation & Policy Research, George Washington University (GWU) School of Medicine & School of Public Health, Founder Conflict Management Section WPA, gave an interview to Corina Negrea, Radio Romania Cultural:
It is also worth mentioning that at the beginning of the same month Professor Eliot Sorel was the first speaker at the Conference “The Rebirth of Europe” – hosted on June 1-2, 2018 by the Wilsonian Club (a nonprofit corporation that promotes education, study, and understanding of the modern nations of Central and Eastern Europe), Washington, DC (Session 1: Celebrating Creators and Paris Conference Participants) – where he presented the topic “President Woodrow Wilson’s Strategic Vision for a Post-World War I Europe”.

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