1st International Perinatal TOTAL Health Congress

Source: www.perinatal2018international.org

The 1st International Perinatal TOTAL Health Congress is scheduled to take place at the International Conference Center in Sinaia, ROMANIA, on 27 – 30 June, 2018.

The main objectives of this historic Congress are to define the importance of the first thousand days of life and their lifelong health consequences; a focus on research, education and training, health systems and services, and health policies; and to highlight innovative and transdisciplinary projects that demonstrate the advantages of collaboration and integration in achieving TOTAL Health.

The scientific discourse of this congress will highlight latest research discoveries and their applications regarding the brain, genomics, microbiome, immune system; health promotion, protection, illness prevention in the perinatal period; vaccines and vaccinations and their lifelong relevance; breastfeeding, food safety for mothers and infants, the role of information, communication technology; collaborative, integrated care for achieving TOTAL Health. 

Abstract submission deadline: 01 November 2017 
Early bird registration deadline for authors: 10 January 2018 

For more information, please visit: www.perinatal2018international.org


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