The opening meeting of the Expert board in the preparation of the World Congress on Mental Health: Meeting the Needs of the 21st Century

The Union for Mental Health held the opening meeting  of the Expert board as part of preparation for the World Congress on Mental Health: Meeting the Needs of the 21st Century.

The meeting was attended by 16 representatives of the different spheres of the health care system, social protection, science and education, art and culture, sport and fitness, law, economics, information services and the press.

Opened the meeting Natalya V. Treushnikova, President of the Union for Mental Health, psychiatrist, narcologist. Natalya told about the current activities and the Union’s prospects, than announced the Congress’s goal and objectives. Natalya V. Treushnikova highlighted that “the World Congress should facilitate the creation of an environment conducive to maintaining mental health through the consolidated action of Russian and foreign experts at the interdisciplinary, interinstitutional and intersectoral levels”.

Before proceeding to discussion of the scientific program, Borodin I. Vladimir, Vice President of the Union for Mental Health,M.D., Ph.D.,  High-level certificate psychiatrist, professor, gave a brief  review of the existed scientific approaches and only after that gradually come to the key subjects and topics of discussion.

Then Pazyna E. Olga, Director of the Union for Mental Health reviewed the preparation stages, pointed out at the key dates of the each stage.

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