XV All-Russian School of Young Psychiatrists “Suzdal-2021”
On September 23, the XV All-Russian School of Young Psychiatrists in Suzdal began its work – the main event of the Council of Young Scientists of the Russian Society of Psychiatrists, the educational program of the Russian Society of Psychiatrists under the auspices of the World Psychiatric Association and in cooperation with the Union for Mental Health (https://psychiatr.ru/events/ 970 ).Schools for young scientists have been held regularly since 1979. They have become an important event in the life of Russian psychiatry. The program is based on a competition of scientific works of young scientists with the obligatory selection of finalists and their rewarding. An equally significant part of the scientific educational program is the performances of eminent Russian and foreign specialists in the field of mental health and the opportunity to openly ask them any questions of interest. A special role is given to cultural events both within the school itself (evening interviews with the most notable guests) and outside it (excursions around the city of Suzdal and its environs).