Special Session 3: Old Age & Mental Health

“Good memory, clear mind, high physical activity, adequate perception of reality, interest in what is happening around – these are the elements that make life at an old age, the most “quality”, pleasant and comfortable. These factors are also critical for the definition of “mental health” of an old man. It has also been proved that the psychological basis of longevity is the feeling of happiness, which, in turn, depends on internal settings of each person, the ability to manage one’s mood, ability to notice the good, the positive, the bright side of life. It is an indispensable and one of the most important conditions for a long healthy life. And it is for this that the majority of us are aspiring, right?”, underscores Prof. Vladimir N. Shabalin, President of Russian Association of Gerontologists and Geriatrists, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a member of the Congress Organazing Committee.

On the first Congress day – 7 October, 2016 – at the Special Session 3. Old Age&Mental Health  – distinguished experts and executives present differentiated approaches on psychology of aging, quality of life of the elderly, mental health and professional employment of the elderly, stigmatization and discrimination against the elderly, ageism, mental health and social isolation of the elderly, an elderly person in the family, prevention of mental disorders in the elderly, dementia and intellectual deficiency in the elderly, depression in the elderly, suicide in the elderly, psychotherapy of the elderly, features of psychosocial rehabilitation and occupational therapy of the elderly, psychology of death and dying.

Keynote speeches will be delivered by: Prof. Olga N. Tkacheva, MD, Director of the Russian Gerontology Research and Clinical Center, Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Chief geriatrician of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Prof. Boris D. Tsygankov, PhD, Doctor of Medical Science, State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry n.a. A.I. Evdokimov, Moscow, Russian Federation; Prof. Ganesh Shankar, President of Yoga and Psychotherapy Association of India, Vice President of WCP (Asian Chapter), Founder President of the Asian Federation for Psychotherapy (AFP) and others.

Please visit the Congress’s website to access online registration for the congress program, including detailed information and registration options: www.mental-health-congress.ru/en/

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