The Life Cycle Approach to the Individual’s Mental Health

Mental health requires holistic approaches throughout the individual’s life. Mental health outcome at one point in the life cycle provides either positive or negative determination for mental health elsewhere in the cycle.
What are the main biological (various organic conditions that affect brain functioning), psychological (stress situations that involve a threat to the individual’s psyche), socio-cultural (such as poverty discrimination, family stressors, violence, working conditions, etc.), and economic challenges for each of the stages of human life?
What regional/global initiatives addressing pregnancy, birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age influence mental health outcomes of the individual’s life cycle?
Three plenary sessions will be held where speakers will discuss differentiated approaches towards mental health maintenance on each stage of human life.

Special Session 1. Child & Adolescent Mental Health

Special Session 2. Adult Mental Health

Special Session 3: Old Age & Mental Health

The final conclusions and recommendations will be included into the Declaration of the Congress.

Please visit the Congress’s website to access online registration for the congress program, including detailed information and registration options:

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