Mental Health of Children and Adolescents will be Discussed at the II Congress on Mental Health: Meeting the Needs of the XXI Century»

Mental health of children and adolescents is a crucial indicator of the wellbeing of the state, the nation’s spiritual and moral development, and its future social and economic status. The children’s and adolescents’ health agenda is becoming especially important due to the swift pace of life, enormous information loads, and the current global economic and political crisis.

The last decade public health data provides evidence of a steady increasing trend of mental disorders among children and adolescents.  The WHO epidemiological surveys state: “Worldwide 10-20% of children and adolescents experience mental disorders. Half of all mental illnesses begin by the age of 14 and three-quarters by mid-20s”.

The II Congress on Mental Health: Meeting the Needs of the XXI Century will set up a platform for sharing experiences in developing educational policy in the field of mental health care for children and adolescents under the International Conference «Prevention of Mental Disorders and Promotion of Mental Health Values Among Children and Adolescents in the Educational Setting” to be held on 6 October 2018 in Moscow, Russia. The Conference will be followed by more than 20 educational, social and cultural events where mental health professionals, academics, and non-specialists, including volunteers and NGOs will discuss the best relevant academic and practical achievements in the fields of prevention of mental disorders as well as guidelines for improved training in child and adolescent mental health services.

Dr Gordana Milavić MD., F.R.C.Psych. Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at the Maudsley Hospital (London, UK), a member of the Congress’ International Organizing Committee (CIOC) says: “We now know that children are particularly sensitive and vulnerable to early stressors from the moment of their conception onwards resulting in immediate and longer term adverse effects upon their wellbeing. Therefore, intervening early is of essence, particularly in the critical periods of childhood and adolescence. Through the implementation of effective preventive and treatment strategies we can avoid adverse mental health outcomes and ameliorate the effects of disorders when they do arise.  This can be done through tackling stigma and improving attitudes to mental illness, identifying those children who are at risk, making services more accessible and adhering to effective and well researched methods of treatment and follow up. In order to bridge the gap between demand and capacity child and adolescent mental health services are best delivered across stratified services ranging from primary care to specialist services. The basic principles of a tiered approach include the involvement of primary care services in addressing the wellbeing of children and young people’s emotional and mental health needs through to the establishment of specialist services in multidisciplinary teams and hospital settings. Thus, General Practitioners, Health Visitors, School Nurses, Social Services, Teachers, Voluntary agencies and juvenile justice workers may be trained to identify mental health problems early in their development, to offer general advice and to refer on if problems persist or become severe. Specialist services may be reserved for the more severe, complex and chronic disorders”.

From birth, onwards children should be able to enjoy an environment required for fulfilling their potential at each stage of their development. This includes awakening a child’s interest in learning about the world around them.   In this regard, education stands out as a determining factor required for the development, wellbeing and mental health. Dr. Mohammad Khodayarifard, Professor of Child Clinical Psychology at the University of Tehran (Iran), CIOC states: “Without doubt, mental health and education both impact each other sharply. The foundation of good mental health is laid in childhood years, and has a major impact on multiple outcomes later in life. The educational setting is the most important ground outside the family for strengthening children’s ego, the development of children’s mental health and prevention of potential mental health problems. Educational settings promote mental health when they provide children and adolescents with a sense of identity and meaning, etc. On the other hand, good mental health is associated with better educational outcomes. Incorporating mental health into educational strategies results in a wide range of positive impacts on children’s development and contributes to developing, maintaining and protecting society’s most potent resource, children’s mental health”.


For children with mental disorders education becomes even more important, since in this case, in addition to its main task, it carries out therapeutic and psycho-orthopedic and rehabilitation functions. Bennett Leventhal, M.D. Professor of Psychiatry, Deputy Director of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Deputy Director of the STAR Center for Autism Spectrum and Neurodevelopmental Disorders at the University of California San Francisco as well as the Irving B. Harris (USA) states: “Education is critical for developing youth, especially the 20% with psychiatric disorders that can limit achievement and lead to lifelong disability.  In order for youth to receive appropriate education and development, teachers, parents and administrators require education and training in order to sustain educational processes for the youth in their care.”

About the II Congress on Mental Health: Meeting the Needs of the XXI Century

II Congress on Mental Health: Meeting the Needs of the XXI Century-

Union for Mental Health of Russia –


05 – 07 October 2018


Congress Center (International Trade Center), 12, Krasnopresnenskaya Nab., Moscow, Russia

Under Patronage

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Labor and Social Care of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation

Organized by

Union for Mental Health of Russia, Russian Society of Psychiatrists, Russian Psychological Society, All-Russia Professional Psychotherapy League, Russian Association of Gerontologists and Geriatricians

Co-sponsored by

  • WPA
  • WAPR
  • WASP
  • WCP
  • IAGG-Europe (Clinical Section)
  • ISSA
  • Action for Mental Health (AMH)
  • Autism Europe
  • WADP
  • GLE International

In collaboration with

  • Russian National State Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology named after Serbsky
  • Russian State Scientific Center for Mental Health
  • Psychological Department at the Moscow State University named after Lomonosov
  • Federation of Psychologists for Education of Russia
  • Moscow State Psychological and Educational University  
  • Moscow State Law University named after Kutafin
  • Federal Resource Center for Children with ASD
  • St.Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology
  • Scientific and Research Medical Center “Gerontology»
  • Center of Rehabilitation for Children with Disabilities “Our Sunny World”
  • Asian Federation of Psychotherapy
  • Latin-American Federation of Psychotherapy
  • French Federation for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis
  • National Autistic Society (UK)

International Organizing Committee

Russian Organizing Committee

International Scientific Committee

Congress Events


Opening Plenary Sessions (5 October 2018, Friday)

  • Educational Requirements for Mental Health Professionals
  • Mental Health Education During the Life Cycle: National and Global Standards
  • Community-based Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services: Educational and Training Approaches
  • Mass Media Impact on Mental Health

Conferences (6 October 2018, Saturday)

  • Professional Education in Mental Health
    • Education in the Structure of a Single Treatment and Rehabilitation Process
    • Prevention of Mental Disorders and Promotion of Mental Health Values Among Children and Adolescents in the Educational Setting
    • Educational Aspects of Autism within the Concept of the Human Life Cycle
    • Modern Society: Dementia Challenges
    • Mental Health as a Phenomenon in Legal Studies, Education, and Law Enforcement Practice Symposia (5-7 October 2018)
    • WASP Simposium
    • Prevention of Substance Abuse Disorders in the Russian Federation
      • Adaptive Sports for People with Mental Needs
      • Symposium on Psychotherapy
      • Psychological Support for Children at Risk
      • Chess for Development and Rehabilitation
      • Education in Music Therapy: Standards and Practices 
      • Innovations in Education for Children and Youth with Mental Disabilities
        • Psychosocial Rehabilitation in Russia (reports will be delivered by Russian NGOs)
        • Art-therapy in Rehabilitation and Arts Delivered by People with Mental Disorders: Connections and Diversities

Round Table (7October, Sunday)

  • Post-diploma Education in Psychiatry in Russia

Master-classes (5-7 октября 2018)

  • Resilience and Recovery Post Natural/Human-Caused Disaster
  • Emotional Intellect and Stress Resistance
  • Coping with Forms of Distorted Self-realization: From Fear to Aspiration
    • Archetypal Astrodrama Theatre by Lidiya Surina
    • Science about live systems. New natural therapies as care and mental health care, spiritual wellbeing
    • Work of a Psychotherapist and a Psychologist with the Media

Workshops (7 октября 2018, воскресенье)

  • Money in the Profession and Life of the Professionals in the Field of Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Introduction Course on Personal Therapy for Mental Health Specialists
    • Alexithymia: Psychological Methods of Intervention
    • Ways of Intervention for Clients Living Crisis State
    • Scenario for Exploring the Future via  Photogenogram

       Early Career Mental Health Specialists Program (5-7 October 2018)

  • Suzdal Courses for Young Psychiatrists (organized by: Russian Society of Psychiatrists under auspices of WPA)
  • International School of Young Psychotherapists “Future Lab” (organized by: World Council for Psychotherapy in cooperation with the Professional Psychotherapeutic League of Russia)
  • School for Young Psychologists (organized by: Russian Psychological Society, Faculty of Psychology of M. Lomonosov Moscow State University)

Social and Cultural Events (4-6 October 2018)

  • II National Awards Ceremony «Harmony» & Banquet
  • II Film Festival “DocuMENTAL”
  • IV All-Russia Festival of Rehabilitation Programs for People with Mental Health Needs
  • Mental Health Ambassadors Program

Business Agenda

  • Moscow Mental Health EXPO 2018
  • WASP Leadership Meeting
  • Press Conference
  • Study visits
  • International Organizing Committee Meeting on preparation III Congress on Mental Health: Meeting the Needs of the XXI Century & IX World Congress on Psychotherapy in 2020.

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