Rubtsov V. Vitaliy, Rector of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MSUPE), Director of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, Russian psychologist, Ph.D. in Psychology, professor, full member of the Russian Academy of Education, a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Education and the President of the Federation of Russian Educational Psychologists,  a member of the ISCAR (International Society for Cultural and Activity Research) Executive Committee, a member of the International Association «Educational Psychology», the president of the Federation of Russian Educational Psychologists, Honorary Professor of the University of Wisconsin (Madison, USA), has joined the Organizing Committee of the Congress on Mental Health: Meeting the Needs of the XXI Century.
Several fundamental research works on psychological logic and mechanisms of organizing joint learning activity as well as on the genesis of cognitive actions in children were conducted under the guidance of Vitaliy Rubtsov. He has substantiated a new variant of the experimental-genetic method that enables studying the origins of cognitive actions in children more deeply. Currently several national programmes and international projects aimed at studying conditions of effective use of new educational technologies and models of teaching different groups of children are being implemented under the guidance of Vitaliy Rubtsov. The results obtained in these studies are widely applied in educational practices. For his scientific and practical achievements Vitaliy Rubtsov was awarded the President’s Prize in Education (1998) and given the title of the Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (2004).
Vitaliy Rubtsov has published more than 200 scientific works including fundamental monographs, such as ‘Osnovy sotsial’no-geneticheskoi psihologii’ (Fundamentals of social-genetic psychology). Many of his works have been translated into English, German, French, Japanese and other languages.

Please visit the Congress’s website to access online registration for the congress program, including detailed information and registration options:

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