Alexey Y. Konovalov – PhD in Medicine, a high-level certificate psychiatrist, a narcologist, a psychotherapist, a Head of Department in Autonomous Public Health Care Institution of the Moscow Region “Mental Health Facility No.22”, a member of the Union of Mental Health joins the 20th EAP Congress that will be held in Athens from June 19-21, 2015.

The main Congress topic is embedded in its title “Gender and Psychotherapy” and it is planned to embrace a wide range of topics, such as field research, stigma and discrimination issues, training and education, ethics, and clinical practice, as well as the whole range of psychotherapy.

The host of venue is European Association of Psychotherapy. The EAP was established in 1991. Now it represents 128 organizations (30 national umbrella associations, 17 European-wide associations for psychotherapy) from 41 European countries and by that more than 120.000 psychotherapists. Based on the “Strasbourg Declaration on Psychotherapy of 1990” the EAP represents high training standards for a scientifically based and stands for a free and independent practice of psychotherapy.

For details:

Our photo-report will be published here. 

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