Mental Health Forum 2022
World Mental Health Day is celebrated each year throughout the world on 10th October. The theme for this year is “Making mental health and well-being for all a global priority”.
WHO will mark World Mental Health Day by hosting its Mental Health Forum 2022 on 10 and 11 October (between 1200-1500 CET each day) via Zoom.
The focus for this year’s Forum is on transformation, both in terms of changing attitudes and deepening commitments towards mental health across the world but also revitalizing mental health services and systems.
In June this year, WHO published its first major global report on mental health since the World Health Report in 2001. The World Mental Health Report sets out a comprehensive assessment of current realities and challenges but also a wealth of experiences and evidence to inspire and bring about change. The Forum will provide an opportunity to:
DISCUSS collective action along three pathways to transformation: deepening the value and commitment given to mental health; reshaping environments that influence mental health; and strengthening systems that care for mental health.
LAUNCH a new Lancet Commission on Ending Stigma and Discrimination in Mental Health.
SHARE new tools, resources or actions that can contribute to mental health transformation.
Informational source: The WHO Newsletter.